May 18, 2020 16:04


We are pleased to announce a symposium that brings together researchers in the forefront of AI and neuroscience. Application for poster presentation is open till June 1st and general registration will start from July 1st, 2020.

International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science
Program (it may be held online depending on the COVID-19 situation)
• Saturday, October 10th (from 1pm)
  • Keynote: Josh Tenenbaum (MIT)
  • Session 1: Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning
    Yann LeCun (NYU, Facebook), Yutaka Matsuo (U Tokyo), Doina Precup (McGill U)
    David Silver (DeepMind), Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN AIP/U Tokyo IRCN)
• Sunday, October 11th
  • Session 2: World Model Learning and Inference
    Ila Fiete (MIT), Karl Friston (UCL), Yukie Nagai (U Tokyo IRCN)
    Maneesh Sahani (Gatsby Unit), Tadahiro Taniguchi (Ritsumeikan U)
  • Poster Session
  • Session 3: Metacognition and Metalearning
    Matthew Botvinick (DeepMind), Ryota Kanai (ARAYA), Angela
    Langdon (Princeton U)
    Hiroyuki Nakahara (RIKEN CBS), Xiao-Jing Wang (NYU)
• Monday, October 12th
  • Session 4: AI for Neuroscience and Neuromorphic Technologies
    Jim DiCarlo (MIT), Yukiyaku Kamitani (Kyoto U), Rosalyn Moran(King’s College London)
    Terry Sejnowski (Salk Institute), Hidehiko Takahashi (Tokyo MDU)
  • Session 5: Social Impact and Neuro-AI Ethics
    Anne Churchland (CSHL), Kenji Doya (OIST), Arisa Ema (U Tokyo IFI)
    Hiroaki Kitano (SONY CSL), Stuart Russell (UC Berkeley)
Poster Registration:

May 11th – June 1st (review result notified by June 20)
Please check the web site:

General Registration:

July 1st – 31st (or when the capacity is reached)
Please check the web site:


More Information

Date October 10, 2020 (Sat) 13:00 - 18:00
October 11, 2020 (Sun) 09:00 - 18:00
October 12, 2020 (Mon) 09:00 - 17:30


The University of Tokyo, Ito International Research Center, Ito Hall, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo(Google Maps)