June 17, 2024 08:48


Date and Time:
June 19, 2024: 15:00 — 16:30 (JST)
Venue: This is a two-team seminar, but we plan to broadcast the talks online. So please join it online if you are interested.

Talk 1 (35 min talk + 10 min QA)

Speaker: Chao Li

tnGPS: Discovering Unknown Tensor Network Structure Search Algorithms via Large Language Models (LLMs)

Tensor networks are efficient for extremely high-dimensional representation, but their model selection, known as tensor network structure search (TN-SS), is a challenging problem. Although several works have targeted TN-SS, most existing algorithms are manually crafted heuristics with poor performance, suffering from the curse of dimensionality and local convergence. In this work, we jump out of the box, studying how to harness large language models (LLMs) to automatically discover new TN-SS algorithms, replacing the involvement of human experts. By observing how human experts innovate in research, we model their common workflow and propose an automatic algorithm discovery framework called tnGPS. The proposed framework is an elaborate prompting pipeline that instruct LLMs to generate new TN-SS algorithms through iterative refinement and enhancement. The experimental results demonstrate that the algorithms discovered by tnGPS exhibit superior performance in benchmarks compared to the current state-of-theart methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/ChaoLiAtRIKEN/tngps.

Talk 2 (35 min talk + 10 min QA)

Speaker: Zhen-Yu Zhang

Generating Chain-of-Thoughts with a Pairwise-Comparison Approach to Searching for the Most Promising Intermediate Thought

To improve the ability of the large language model (LLMs) to tackle complex reasoning problems, chain-of-thoughts (CoT) methods were proposed to guide LLMs to reason step-by-step, enabling problem solving from simple to complex. State-of-the-art methods for generating such a chain involve interactive collaboration, where the learner generates candidate intermediate thoughts, evaluated by the LLM, guiding the generation of subsequent thoughts. However, a widespread yet understudied problem is that the evaluation from the LLM is typically noisy and unreliable, potentially misleading the generation process in selecting promising intermediate thoughts. In this paper, motivated by Vapnik’s principle, we use pairwise-comparison evaluation instead of pointwise scoring to search for promising intermediate thoughts with the noisy feedback from the LLM. In each round, we randomly pair intermediate thoughts and directly prompt the LLM to select the more promising one from each pair, allowing us to identify the most promising thoughts through an iterative process. To further alleviate the noise in the comparison, we incorporate techniques from ensemble learning and dueling bandits, proposing two variants of the algorithm. Experiments on three real-world tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm and verify the rationale of the pairwise comparison mechanism.

More Information

Date June 19, 2024 (Wed) 15:00 - 16:30
URL https://c5dc59ed978213830355fc8978.doorkeeper.jp/events/174617

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