2018/12/4 11:00


This is an information for AIP math-sci team’s seminar on 12/11 (Tue.)
NOTICE: The room will be 14-631A/B, NOT the usual room.

The speaker will be Laurant Condat, who will be visiting Professor
Masahiro Yukawa. I hope many people will attend.
The detail is as follows:

Speaker: Laurent Condat


Abstract: The nonlinear inverse problem of 2-D phase unwrapping consists in estimating an image, while its pixel values are observed modulo 2pi. A variational formulation is considered, which consists in minimizing an energy, convex or not, under the nonconvex data fidelity constraints. We propose a new convex relaxation of this combinatorial problem. It shows similar or better performances than the state of the art.
Time: 10:45 – 11:45 + 30min.
Place: Yagami campus, Keio Univ.
Room: Building 14, Room 631A/B

The Bio for Prof. Condat is as follows:
Laurent Condat received jointly a Master’s degree in computer science from the graduate school ENSIMAG of Grenoble Institute of Technology and a MSc degree in applied mathematics from Univ. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, in 2003. He obtained a PhD in applied mathematics from Grenoble Institute of Technology in 2006. From 2006 to 2008, he was a postdoc in the Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen in Munich, Germany. Since 2008, he is a permanent research scientist of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). From 2008 to 2012, he was with the GREYC, Caen, France, and since 2012, he is with the Dept. of Images and Signals of GIPSA-lab, Grenoble.

Dr. Condat’s area of interest includes convex optimization and variational methods in signal and image processing, as well as color and multispectral imaging. His paper “A primal-dual splitting method for convex optimization involving Lipschitzian, proximable and linear composite terms” has been cited more than 400 times and is indexed as an influential paper by Web of Science. He received a best student paper award at the conference IEEE ICIP in 2005 and a best PhD award from Grenoble Institute of Technology in 2007.

Since 2016, Dr. Condat has been a member of the French National Committee for Scientific Research, which is notably in charge of hiring and evaluating all CNRS researchers in France.


日時 2018/12/11(火) 10:45 - 12:15
URL https://c5dc59ed978213830355fc8978.doorkeeper.jp/events/84104


〒223-8522 横浜市港北区日吉3-14-1(Google Maps)


last updated on 2024/10/17 09:26研究室