2019/4/18 17:32


Speaker: Reimi Irokawa

Date and Time: 25th April 2019, 13:00 – 14:00 + 30min.

Place: Building 14, Room 631A/B

Title: Activity measures of dynamical systems over non-archimedean fields

A non-Archimedean field (NA field) is a field with an absolute value which satisfies the strong triangle inequality. For a polynomial with coefficients in an NA field K, one can consider a discrete dynamical system over K by iteration. Also, for an analytic family of polynomials, one can consider a deformation of dynamics. These dynamics appear naturally when one considers number-theoretic problems in complex & arithmetic dynamics. For an analytic family of polynomials over K, I constructed a measure, called an activity measure, which describes the stability of asymptotic of a critical point. Starting with gentle introduction on NA fields, I would explain stabilities related to families of dynamics over NA fields, construction of our measure, and their relations and properties.

If you are interested, please feel free to join.


日時 2019/04/25(木) 13:00 - 14:30
URL https://c5dc59ed978213830355fc8978.doorkeeper.jp/events/90526


〒223-8522 横浜市港北区日吉3-14-1(Google Maps)