speaker: Yuuki Takai
title: An application of persistent homology to random graphs
In this talk, the speaker gives an overview of the paper by Yasuaki
Hiraoka and Tomoyuki Shirai
“Minimum spanning acycle and lifetime of persistent homology in the
Linial-Meshulam process”
Random Structures & Algorithms, 51(2):315–340, 2017 (or arXiv: 1503.05669).
The authors show, by using persistent homology, a higher dimensional
generalization of Frieze’s theorem which showed that the expectation of
length of the minimum spanning tree converges to zeta(3) when the
number of vertices goes to infinity. At the start of my talk, I will
explain my motivation and an expected relation to our works.
time: 13:00 – 14:00 + 30 min
place: Keio Univ. Yagami-campus Bldg.14th, 6F
room: 631 A/B
If you are interested in, please feel free to join.
Best regards,
Yuuki Takai
日時 | 2019/06/27(木) 13:00 - 14:30 |
URL | https://c5dc59ed978213830355fc8978.doorkeeper.jp/events/93687 |