国際会議 / Proceedings
  1. Ichikawa, K., Ito, S., Hatano, D., Sumita, H., Fukunaga, T., Kakimura, N., and Kawarabayashi, K., "New Classes of the Greedy-Applicable Arm Feature Distributions in the Sparse Linear Bandit Problem", Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38(11), 12708–12716, (2024).
  2. Tanaka, Y., Inuzuka, M., Arai, H., Takahashi, Y., Kukita, M., and Inui, K., "Who Does Not Benefit from Fact-checking Websites?", Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–17, (2023).
  3. Tanaka, Y., Arai, H., Inuzuka, M., Youichi, T., Minao, K., and Kentaro, I., "Fight Bias with Bias? Two Interventions for Mitigating the Selective Avoidance of Clicking Uncongenial Facts", Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, (2023).
  4. Ito, S., Hatano, D., Sumita, H., Takemura, K., Fukunaga, T., Kakimura, N., and Kawarabayashi, K., "Bandit Task Assignment with Unknown Processing Time.", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Curran Associates, Inc. 36, 8937–8957, (2023).