July 16, 2021 09:40
Team Tohoku-AIP-NTT at WMT-2020 Won the FY2021 AAMT Nagao Award

Shun Kiyono, Takumi Ito, Ryuto Konno*, Jun Suzuki (Natural Language Understanding Team at RIKEN AIP) and Makoto Morishita (NTT Communication Science Laboratories) as the Team Tohoku-AIP-NTT at WMT-2020 won the Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translaion (AAMT) Nagao Award this year.

*He belonged to the Natural Language Understanding Team until FY2020.

For more information, please see the following site;
Sorry, only available in Japanese.

AAMT Nagao Award

Team Tohoku-AIP-NTT at WMT-2020

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