March 11, 2024 11:00

Shin-ichi Fukuzumi, Deputy Team Leader of the Science, Technology and Society Team (PI:Osamu Sakura) received the International Standard Development Award from the Information Processing Society of Japan Information Standards Research Association.

  • International Standard Development Award
    The Information Processing Society of Japan Information Standards Research Association launched an Award, named the “International Standard Development Award” since 1995. This award is given to a project editor or project co-editor officially registered to develop a new or revised IS, TS or TR (including Amendments and Corrigendum) and recognized as having made an outstanding contribution to the development of an (international) IInternattional Standard.

For more information, please see the InternationalStandard Development
the Information Processing Society of Japan Information Standards Research Association.


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last updated on May 20, 2024 09:42Laboratory