2024/5/7 13:52
DL2024 (Tokyo Deep Learning Workshop) [Day1 part1] サムネイル


Date: March 18, 2024
Venue: RIKEN AIP Nihonbashi office, Tokyo, Japan

This video includes 3 talks.
00:00:12 Ding Xuan Zhou (University of Sydney)
Title: Approximation theory of structured deep neural networks

00:32:49 Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN AIP / The University of Tokyo)
Title: Importance-Weighting Approach to Distribution Shift Adaptation

01:10:56 Taiji Suzuki (The University of Tokyo / RIKEN AIP)
Title: Non-convex extensions of mean-field gradient methods: applications to reinforcement learning and in-context learning

The event page url: