2024/5/8 13:33
DL2024 (Tokyo Deep Learning Workshop) [Day2 part1] サムネイル


Date: March 19, 2024
Venue: RIKEN AIP Nihonbashi office, Tokyo, Japan

This video includes 5 talks.
00:00:06 Minh Ha Quang (RIKEN AIP)
Title: Infinite-dimensional Fisher-Rao metric and Wasserstein distances

00:33:48 Nihat Ay (Hamburg University of Technology)
Title: On the Fisher-Rao gradient of the Evidence Lower Bound

01:00:21 Shun-ichi Amari (RIKEN / Teikyo University)
Title: Wasserstein Statistics and AI

01:32:51 Pierre Baldi (University of California Irvine)
Title: A Theory of Neuronal Synaptic Balance

02:07:39 Emtiyaz Khan (RIKEN AIP)
Title: The Bayesian Learning Rule

The event page url: