2023/6/15 09:40
RIKEN AIP & A*STAR-CFAR Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Tokyo, Japan サムネイル


Date: March 23, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (JST)

00:00:06 Speaker: Mengmi ZHANG, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: What AI cannot do but humans can: closing research gaps with neuroscience-inspired approaches

00:18:48 Speaker: Shuo Chen, RIKEN AIP
Title: Robust Contrastive Learning and Its Applications

00:43:09 Speaker: Chuang Sheng FOO, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: A Fourier Perspective on Robustness

01:06:28 Speaker: Joo Hwee LIM, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: AGI: Challenges and Opportunities

01:44:11 Speaker: Xiaoyu Dong, RIKEN AIP
Title: Learning Mutual Modulation for Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Super-Resolution

01:59:06 Speaker: Xiaoli LI, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Sustainable AI: The Challenges and Innovations

02:28:16 Speaker: Joey ZHOU, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: Efficient sharpness-aware learning

02:49:33 Speaker: Kazusato Oko, RIKEN AIP
Title: Diffusion Models are Minimax Optimal Distribution Estimators: fine-grained analysis of diffusion models from statistical learning theory

03:13:17 Speaker: Ivor Tsang, A*STAR-CFAR
Title: A Bayesian Perspective of Noisy Labels

[Not available ]
Speaker: Yew Soon Ong, A*STAR-CFAR
Closing Remarks

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