2023/6/9 09:26
RIKEN-AIP & PRAIRIE Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (Tokyo, March. 20 and 21, 2023) [Day1] サムネイル


【March 20: 9:30 am – 16:45 pm (JST)】

00:00:06 Speaker: Masashi Sugiyama, RIKEN AIP
Title: Introduction of RIKEN-AIP

00:07:15 Speaker: Jean Ponce, PRAIRIE
Title: Introduction of PRAIRIE/Beyond the computer vision comfort zone

01:13:04 Speaker: Pierre-Louis Poirion, RIKEN AIP
Title: Random subspace methods for non-convex optimization

01:41:35 Speaker: Florian Yger, PRAIRIE
Title: Representation learning with structured data

02:24:27 Speaker: Ichiro Takeuchi, RIKEN AIP
Title: Statistical Test for XAI

* The presentation slides have been posted in the page below.
【Event Report】RIKEN-AIP & PRAIRIE Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (Tokyo, March. 20 and 21, 2023)

The event news page url:
News: RIKEN-AIP & PRAIRIE Joint Workshop