Takafumi Kanamori (Ph.D.)
Team Leader
Team leaderTakafumi Kanamori
Postdoctoral researcherKosaku Takanashi
Visiting scientistTakashi Takenouchi
Visiting scientistWataru Kumagai
Visiting scientistHironori Fujisawa
Visiting scientistShotaro Akaho
Visiting scientistTakayuki Kawashima
Visiting scientistYuichiro Wada
Visiting scientistNoboru Murata
Junior research associateTakumi Nakagawa

The research team aims to develop machine learning algorithms using non-convex optimization problems and its theoretical foundations. Most of current learning algorithms are formalized as convex optimization problems. Though the convexity is advantageous for optimization, it is not necessarily preferable from the standpoint of statistical properties such as robustness and bias-reduction of estimators. The optimization of non-convex functions, however, encounters computational difficulty. We challenge to develop learning algorithm using non-convex optimization beyond the scope of convexity and to establish a theoretical foundation to analyze learning methods with non-convexity.
Main Research Field
Computer Science
Research Field
Research Subjects
Theoretical analysis of learning algorithms using non-convex optimization
Statistical inference for large-scale models using divergence measures
Extension of multimodal information integration and information-transfer learning
Statistical inference for large-scale models using divergence measures
Extension of multimodal information integration and information-transfer learning
Introduction Video
- FY2019 Research Results (Japanese version)
- FY2018 Research Results (Japanese version)
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