ジャーナル論文 / Journal
- Zhang, J., Suganuma, M., and Okatani, T., "Network Pruning and Fine-tuning for Few-shot Industrial Image Anomaly Detection", 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) 00, 1–6, (2023).
- Wang, Z., Liu, X., Suganuma, M., and Okatani, T., "Unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic segmentation via cross-region alignment", Comput. Vision Image Understanding 234, 103743, (2023).
- Kunlamai, T., Yamane, T., Suganuma, M., Chun, P., and Okatani, T., "Improving visual question answering for bridge inspection by pre‐training with external data of image–text pairs", Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 39(3), 345–361, (2023).
- Zhu, Y., Sekiya, H., Okatani, T., Yoshida, I., and Hirano, S., "Real-time vehicle identification using two-step LSTM method for acceleration-based bridge weigh-in-motion system", Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 12(3), 689–703, (2022).
- Nagatani, K., Abe, M., Osuka, K., Chun, P., Okatani, T., Nishio, M., Chikushi, S., Matsubara, T., Ikemoto, Y., and Asama, H., "Innovative technologies for infrastructure construction and maintenance through collaborative robots based on an open design approach", Adv. Rob., (2021).
国際会議 / Proceedings
- Tanaka, Y., Yoshida, S. M., Shibata, T., Terao, M., Okatani, T., and Sugiyama, M., "Appearance-based curriculum for semi-supervised learning with multi-angle unlabeled data", the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV2024), 2780–2789, (2024).
- Van-Quang, N., Suganuma, M., and Okatani , T., "GRIT: Faster and Better Image-captioning Transformer Using Dual Visual Features", Proceedings of European Confrence on Computer Vision, (2022).
- Tran, H. T., and Okatani, T., "Bright as the Sun: In-depth Analysis of Imagination-Driven Image Captioning", Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 675–691, (2022).
- Liu, S., and Okatani, T., "Symmetry-aware Neural Architecture for Embodied Visual Navigation", Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (2022).
- Liu, K., Suganuma, M., and Okatani, T., "Bridging the Gap from Asymmetry Tricks to Decorrelation Principles in Non-contrastive Self-supervised Learning", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022), (2022).
- Ye, Q., Suganuma, M., and Okatani, T., "Progressive and Selective Fusion Network for High Dynamic Range Imaging", Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, 5290–5297, (2021).
- Tanaka, T., Sasagawa, Y., and Okatani, T., "Learning To Bundle-Adjust: A Graph Network Approach to Faster Optimization of Bundle Adjustment for Vehicular SLAM", Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 6250–6259, (2021).
- Song, W., Suganuma, M., Liu, X., Simobayashi, N., Maruta, D., and Okatani, T., "Matching in the Dark: A Dataset for Matching Image Pairs of Low-light Scenes", Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 6029–6038, (2021).
- Nguyen, V., Suganuma, M., and Okatani , T., "Look Wide and Interpret Twice: Improving Performance on Interactive Instruction-following Tasks", Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 923–930, (2021).