2021/1/27 11:12


[AAAI-21] https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-21/


AAAI-21 Accepted Papers



Spherical Image Generation from a Single Image by Considering Scene Symmetry

Takayuki Hara (The University of Tokyo)
Yusuke Mukuta (The University of Tokyo)
Tatsuya Harada (The University of Tokyo / RIKEN)


Fully-Connected Tensor Network Decomposition and Its Application to Higher-Order Tensor Completion

Yu-Bang Zheng (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
Ting-Zhu Huang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
Xi-Le Zhao (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
Qibin Zhao (Riken AIP)
Tai-Xiang Jiang (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)


AdvantageNAS: Efficient Neural Architecture Search with Credit Assignment

Rei Sato (University of Tsukuba / RIKEN AIP)
Jun Sakuma (University of Tsukuba / RIKEN AIP)
Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba / RIKEN AIP)


Learning Dynamics Models with Stable Invariant Sets

Naoya Takeishi (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland / RIKEN)
Yoshinobu Kawahara (Kyushu University / RIKEN)


Combinatorial Pure Exploration with Partial or Full-Bandit Linear Feedback

Yihan Du (Tsinghua University) *
Yuko Kuroki (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN AIP) *
Wei Chen (Microsoft Research)


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