November 16, 2018 17:18

13 papers have been accepted at AAAI-19, a major conference on artificial intelligence. For more details, please refer to the link below.

[Accepted Papers]

  • #1 Bayesian posterior approximation via greedy particle optimization 
    Futoshi Futami (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)*
    Zhenghang Cui (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)
    Issei Sato (The University of Tokyo/RIKEN)
    Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN/ The University of Tokyo)
  • #2 Stochastic Submodular Maximization with Performance-Dependent Item Costs 
    Takuro Fukunaga (RIKEN AIP/ JST PRESTO)*
    Takuya Konishi (NII)
    Sumio Fujita (Yahoo Japan Corporation)
    Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi (National Institute of Informatics)
  • #3 Group Decision Diagram (GDD): A Compact Representation for Permutations
    Takanori Maehara (RIKEN AIP)*
    Yuma Inoue (Google)
  • #4 Clipped Matrix Completion: a Remedy for Ceiling Effects 
    Takeshi Teshima (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)*
    Miao Xu (RIKEN)
    Issei Sato (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)
    Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN/ The University of Tokyo)
  • #5 Subspace Selection via DR-Submodular Maximization on Lattices
    Takanori Maehara (RIKEN AIP)*
    So Nakashima (The University of Tokyo)
  • #6 Bézier Simplex Fitting: Describing Pareto Fronts of Simplicial Problems with Small
    Samples in Multi-objective Optimization

    Ken Kobayashi (Fujitsu Laboratories LTD./ RIKEN AIP)*
    Naoki Hamada (Fujitsu Laboratories LTD./ RIKEN AIP)
    Akiyoshi Sannai (RIKEN AIP/ Keio University)
    Akinori Tanaka (RIKEN AIP/ Keio University)
    Kenichi Bannai (Keio University/ RIKEN AIP)
    Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN AIP/ The University of Tokyo)
  • #7 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Based on Source-guided Discrepancy
    Seiichi Kuroki (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)*
    Nontawat Charoenphakdee (The University of Tokyo)
    Han Bao (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)
    Junya Honda (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)
    Issei Sato (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)
    Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN/ The University of Tokyo)
  • #8 Tensor Ring Decomposition with Rank Minimization on Latent Space: An Efficient
    Approach for Tensor Completion

    Longhao Yuan (Saitama Institute of Technology)*
    Chao Li (RIKEN)
    Danilo P. Mandic (Imperial College of London, UK)
    Janting Cao (Saitama Institute of Technology)
    Qibin Zhao (RIKEN)
  • #9 Random Feature Maps for Itemset Kernel
    Kyohei Atarashi (Hokkaido University)*
    Subhransu Maji (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
    Satoshi Oyama (Hokkaido University/ RIKEN AIP)
  • #10 Unknown Agents in Friends Oriented Hedonic Games: Stability and Complexity
    Nathanael Barrot (RIKEN AIP/ Kyushu University)*
    Kazunori Ota (Kyushu University)
    Yuko Sakurai (AIST)
    Makoto Yokoo (Kyushu University, Japan)
  • #11 Dueling Bandits with Qualitative Feedback
    Liyuan Xu (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)*
    Junya Honda (The University of Tokyo/ RIKEN)
    Masashi Sugiyama (RIKEN/ The University of Tokyo)
  • #12 Knowledge Tracing Machines: Factorization Machines for Knowledge Tracing
    Jill-Jênn Vie (RIKEN AIP)*
    Hisashi Kashima (Kyoto University/ RIKEN AIP)
  • #13 Mixture of Expert/Imitator Network: Scalable Semi-supervised Learning Framework
    Shun Kiyono (Tohoku University)*
    Jun Suzuki (Tohoku University/ RIKEN AIP)
    Kentaro Inui (Tohoku University/ RIKEN AIP)

*Titles and spelling may not be final. Final titles will be reflected in the final program and proceedings according to what is submitted by authors at the camera-ready copy deadline.

*Updated: 11/20/2018

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