On July 9, Masahiko Shibayama, Japan’s Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy, visited the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) in Tokyo.
Following an introduction to RIKEN by Executive Director Shigeo Koyasu and an overview by AIP Center Director Masashi Sugiyama of the center’s activities since its inception, including research achievements and collaborations with industry, Taiji Suzuki, leader of the Deep Learning Theory Team, explained his project on understanding deep learning systems and new methodologies in machine learning.
The group then moved from the center’s headquarters to its research facilities. There, Yoichiro Yamamoto, leader of the Pathology Informatics Team, explained his project on AI that can gain explainable features from annotation-free pathological images to discover prediction factors and support cancer diagnosis.
Minister Shibayama seemed impressed by the center’s work and asked a number of questions regarding deep learning and medical applications for AI. He also mentioned that it is very important to develop human resources in the field of AI, and expressed his expectations toward AIP.