News List (2020)
posted on December 4, 2020 11:49Award 
MIURA Hiroya (Postdoctoral Researcher) and IINO Nami (Visiting Scientist) of Music Information Intelligence Team (PI: HAMANAKA Masatoshi) received Research Encouragement Award by Interactive Information Access and Vis...

Director SUGIYAMA Masashi delivered an online invited lecture entitled "Robust Machine Learning for Reliable Deployment" at APNNS/IEEE Education Forum Series: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Winter School 20...

Director SUGIYAMA Masashi delivered an online invited talk at World Intellectual Manufacturing Conference, which was held in Nanjing, China on Nov. 26 - 28.

MACHINO Hidenori (Cancer Translational Research Team, HAMAMOTO Ryuji Team Leader) was appointed as a Japanese delegate at Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2021.
GYSS is organized by the Singapore National Rese...

HAMAMOTO Ryuji, Team Leader of Cancer Translational Research Team, talked on "Applications and potentiality of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in medicine" at RIKEN Science Lecture on Nov. 3rd, 2020.
posted on November 24, 2020 12:14Award 
Unit Leader ARAI Hiromi and Part-time worker Koshi Hamamoto (AI Safety and Reliability Unit) received Distinguished Paper Award at Computer Security Symposium 2020 in Kobe (online).
Paper title: "Fairwashing: the r...

5 papers have been accepted at EMNLP2020, a top conference on Natural Language Processing. For more details, please refer to the link below.
Long Papers
Sho Yokoi, Ryo Ta...

Medical-risk Avoidance based on iPS Cells Team (UEDA Naonori team leader) and Structured Learning Team (KAWAHARA Yoshinobu team leader) have contributed to the paper entitled "Prediction of Compound Bioactivities Usin...

On November 11, TAKAHASHI Hinako, State Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and MITANI Hidehiro, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of MEXT, visited the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligen...

The 41st Information-Based Induction Sciences and Machine Learning (IBISML) was held online on October 20-22, 2020. Director Masashi Sugiyama, Team Leader Yoshinobu Kawahara, Team Leader Ichiro Takeuchi, and Team Lead...