March 6, 2023 21:57

The RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), the Alan Turing Institute, and the University of Edinburgh have participated in the PATH-AI (Privacy, Agency, and Trust in Human-AI Ecosystems) project. As part of our joint research, we conducted a social survey on medical AI and published a report titled, “PATH-AI: Achieving Culture Beyond Privacy, Agency, and Trust in the Human-AI Ecosystem.” Hiroshi Nakagawa, Team Leader of the AI Utilization in Society and Legal System Team serves as the representative from Japan.

-Representative from Japan: Hiroshi Nakagawa (RIKEN AIP)
-Representative from the UK: David Leslie (The Alan Turing Institute, Public Policy Programme)

The research group targeted COVID-19 contact tracing apps, medical diagnosis chatbots, and conversational care robots, conducting interviews in the UK and using a combination of selected questions and descriptive responses through a web interface in Japan.

The team published two reports based on the results of the survey, which are available for reading in full:

  • UK report: A Joint UK-Japan Consideration of the Relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Social Ecosystems: Concepts of Privacy, Agency, and Reliability
  • Japanese report: Social Survey on Medical AI Applications

The PATH-AI project is funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).

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