Team leaderIchiro Takeuchi
Research scientistHiroyuki Hanada
Research scientistNoriaki Hashimoto
Senior visiting scientistShigeyuki Matsui
Visiting scientistKeiichi Inoue
Visiting scientistToru Ujihara
Visiting scientistKentaro Kutsukake
Visiting scientistDuy Vo
Visiting scientistShion Takeno
Junior research associateShuichi Nishino
Part-time worker IOnur Boyar
Part-time worker IXudong Chen

In the field of biomedical science, rapid advances in measurement technology allow us to collect a massive scientific dataset. An attempt aiming for a new scientific discovery based on such a massive scientific dataset is now realized as the fourth scientific paradigm followed by traditional three approaches based on theory, experiment, and simulation. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, we have a chance to find novel scientific hypotheses which are difficult to obtain only from knowledge and experiences of human experts. In our team, we study fundamental computational and mathematical techniques for data-driven scientific discovery, and demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques in the field of biomedical science.
Introduction Video
- FY2023 Research Results(PDF 557KB) (Japanese version)
- FY2022 Research Results(PDF 2.47MB)(Japanese version)
- FY2021 Research Results(PDF 1.72MB)(Japanese version)
- FY2019 Research Results(PDF 2.1MB) (Japanese version)
- FY2018 Research Results(PDF 3.98MB) (Japanese version)